Upcoming Events


DateEventAdditional Information
January 1New Years Day - Closed
March 1Open Continental Pheasant Hunt $450Call (814) 378-8380 to sign up!
March 8Log-A-Load for Kids Continental Hunt Charity Shoot
March 15Chukar ChallengeCall (814) 378-8380 to sign up!
March 29Last Day of Pheasant Hunting
April 26Last Day of Bird Hunting (Chukar and Quail)
May 14Sporting Clays Summer League
June 6Shoot for the Magic - Sporting Clays Event
TBADog Class - With both you and your dog. Lasts 7 weeks.Call (814) 378-8380 to sign up!
August 9Moshannon Valley EMS Shoot
TBALion Country Supply Chukar Challenge Bird Dog Days 2025
September 1First Day of Bird Hunting (Pheasant, Chukar, and Quail)
September 13Wounded Warriors Sporting Clay Shooting Event
October 12Tyrone Area FFA Shoothttps://tyroneffa.theaet.com/
November 27Happy Thanksgiving - Closing at Noon
November 29- December 2Closed for Deer Season
December 24Christmas Eve - Closing at Noon
December 25Merry Christmas - Closed
December 31New Years Eve - Closing at Noon